Holdiay Party + Rock Band = FUN til 5 in the Morning!

As promised here is some pictures from our evening of Rock Band - this game is addicting. I don't remember the last time I stayed up until 5 in the morning. Don't worry I paid for it the next couple of days....


PS - unless you have a good voice avoid trying to sing Flyleaf.... Yes I got booed off the stage :(

Heck yeah - that is my rockstar pose...

Look at that concentration! I don't blame him drums are hard... (at least for those of us who have no rhythm)

The wonderful hosts - thanks Matt and Beth it was fun!

This is Beth's rock star picture

Thanks to Kieth I got to play a little with my camera, long exposure and my flash. It was very fun and I am excited to use these types of effects again! Thanks for the hints.

I know I have been slacking...

Sorry guys I know I have been slacking on updating my blog, but let me tell you I have some great pictures for you... Here are a couple things that have been going on that have kept me away from here.

1. A friend of mine had a crazy fun Christmas party which turned into a rock band marathon and some really fun pictures so look for those coming up.

2. I got married! YEAH! Right now Beth my amazing friend is going through both photographers pictures (over 2,000 pictures) so there has to be some good ones in there, even if they are of me :)

3. I shot a wedding last weekend, and let me tell you these pictures are going to be great. The bride had this amazing custom head piece and the wedding took place at a cool old mansion on Summit Ave. So I am really excited to get those pictures out for everyone.

So that pretty much sums up my January - seriously this month FLEW by...
