Holdiay Party + Rock Band = FUN til 5 in the Morning!
As promised here is some pictures from our evening of Rock Band - this game is addicting. I don't remember the last time I stayed up until 5 in the morning. Don't worry I paid for it the next couple of days....
PS - unless you have a good voice avoid trying to sing Flyleaf.... Yes I got booed off the stage :(
Heck yeah - that is my rockstar pose...
Look at that concentration! I don't blame him drums are hard... (at least for those of us who have no rhythm)
The wonderful hosts - thanks Matt and Beth it was fun!
This is Beth's rock star picture
Thanks to Kieth I got to play a little with my camera, long exposure and my flash. It was very fun and I am excited to use these types of effects again! Thanks for the hints.