This year I decided it would be a great idea to try to camp at least 2 times each month. So, for our first adventure of the year I booked a camping cabin (mainly because originally it was supposed to be just Me and the kiddos) but also because you never know what you are going to get weather wise the first weekend in May... There was no way I wanted to sit in a tent if it was going to rain ALL weekend long.
1) Josh's boys weekend was cancelled so he got to join us and
B) The weather was amazing! The days were sunny and warm (but not too warm) and the nights were cool. It was great!
Things I learned:
- Always remember syrup for pancake mornings (or find a restaurant that will sell you a quart for $1)
- My kids do not know how to play kickball. This will need to change before the summer ends.
- Looking outside now half a month later it amazes me how quickly Minnesota greens up...
- According to my kids lakes in the beginning of May in Minnesota are colder than the lakes in Montana at the end of June, just in case anyone wanted to know...