They Nyberg Family...
Our Next Adventure...
The Cronin Family : St. Paul Family Photographer
New Baby Love
An adventure in Hinkley
We had an entire day open to us this spring. Dad was gone doing something so I figured lets go find some adventure. We packed up some lunches and our bikes and headed north. I was thinking Hinkley was only 1 1/2 hours away so it would be fun to hop on the Munger State trail and have a picnic lunch along the way.... Well, an hour and a half came and went and still no sign for Hinkley, apparently it is a little further than I remembered.... oops. We eventually made it; however it was lunch time so we ate in the car, then headed out on the trail. Now truth be told, the trail is an old railroad bed so.... it is really flat and really straight, which typically would be nice; however it is not very scenic. Apparently, it is closer to Duluth that the trail becomes more scenic and has many bridge crossing, so next time we might continue on to Duluth and check it out up there, let me know if you want to join!!!
Since the bike trail was a bust, we were going to head for home, but then I remembered that a friend of mine had posted some epic photos of a waterfall around Hinckley so we decided to go fine it. So we loaded up our bikes and used the GPS from Instagram (thank you technology) as the park was not marked at all. Ended up heading down some dirt road to an eventual car park. No more than 5 steps in and the boy announces that it is SO MUCH BETTER than our bike ride....
I do have to admit he was right, the hike/waterfall totally saved the day. We played around the falls for a couple hours even as it sprinkled and of course eventually the boy ended up soaking wet and riding home in the car naked (this has been a theme for him this summer). However no trip to Hinkley is complete without a stop at Tobies for doughnuts.
Out for a weekend adventure
- Always remember syrup for pancake mornings (or find a restaurant that will sell you a quart for $1)
- My kids do not know how to play kickball. This will need to change before the summer ends.
- Looking outside now half a month later it amazes me how quickly Minnesota greens up...
- According to my kids lakes in the beginning of May in Minnesota are colder than the lakes in Montana at the end of June, just in case anyone wanted to know...
The beautiful Regan... Senior Portrait Session
How to capture the authentic you.
Below I've compiled a list of tips for capturing the authentic you in your family photos session, without breaking the bank!