Look Josh can jump.....

Just give him a little Sailor Jerry's (OK maybe alot of Sailor Jerry's).

Breckenridge Colorado

So Josh and I are out in Colorado this weekend, visiting our friends and checking out the house we are getting married in this January. Very cool - I have never been to Breckenridge and I have to say, it is the coolest little ski town EVER! I cannot wait to see it in January under a bunch of snow. Anyway here are a few pictures of us waiting in the air port, my two favorite dogs in Colorado and some scenery of Breckenridge.

Yep til death do us part...

My little monster!

Yep it is official I am turning into a crazy cat lady.... But I could not pass up this hat I found at Target, it just fits my cat's personality so much.... See for yourself.

Is it just me or does he not look happy to be wearing his Halloween costume?

This is Jax checking out his favorite toy...

And this is why we call him monster. If he isn't attacking his lizard he is attacking our legs... But it is all in fun!

A sad day.... :(

One of my good friends at Fair Isaac decided to move on in her life :( So what did I do? I wished her luck and stole her chair :)

OK - so I know this actually happened a couple weeks ago; however I just took the opportunity to upload the pictures to my computer.