How out of control is this country. Do people NOT realize that they need to take responsibility for their actions?
My grief/annoyance/questions stem from reading about recent lawsuits that have been popping up on the news.
One lawsuit is from the lady who is suing Geek Squad because they lost her computer. OK so yeah you turned your computer over to strangers with ALL of you past bank statements, and personal information still on it? Now you are suing them for MILLIONS of dollars with the anticipation that someone MIGHT steal your identity... Now don't get me wrong Identity theft is horrible and I can only imagine having to go through that; however if you are really that stupid to turn your computer over to someone with that information on it, I don't feel you have grounds to sue a company because they lost your computer. Even if they didn't lose your computer one of their employees might have taken and copied the private information onto a disk. If you are going to give your personal computer to someone to fix don't be dumb remove all the personal info before you hand it over..... It is only common sense!
The other lawsuit is one that I just read a minute ago. A lady is suing casinos for $20 million dollars because she feels that they worked together to feed her gambling addiction.... Now I am sure they did everything they could to entice her to come to their casinos and spend her money; however is it REALLY the casino's responsibility to determine which of their customers are addicted to gambling? Don't you think that might be the individual’s responsibility? My goodness the casino's are businesses enticing people to spend money on gambling is what they do! Obviously for this woman they did it well and it worked.
I don't get it when did people start thinking they are not responsible for their own actions....
Sorry this is my little rant - trust me I have more but whatever. What else can I do to show my frustrations. Take them for what they are - my opinions. Please don't try to sue me just because you don't agree with my opinions...